Sunday, November 15, 2020

Growth Mindset: Saying yes and learning from mistakes

Quote 1:

"SAY YES: A strategy that I employed during my freshman year was saying yes to any opportunity I had even a vague interest in doing. It really helped me make friends, learn to be uncomfortable, and realize the things I did and did not like to do. I hope my acronym will inspire others to try new things."

I loved this quote! I have definitely heard of this strategy/way of living life before, but it is never something I actually do. I have a hard time doing things that make me uncomfortable because I easily get self-conscious, but I wonder about all the missed opportunities for a great time I have passed up because I was afraid of being uncomfortable. I feel like that is a common problem to run into over the course of someone's life, but it is something I would like to work to combat. 

This is the image the author used for her acronym in the second quote. I enjoy it.
(Image found here)

Quote 2:

"M.I.S.T.A.K.E.S. I made this acronym because I am often very scared to make a mistake. Whenever a professor asks the class a question, I hesitate to answer because I'm afraid of being wrong. However, I have learned that I learn best from my mistakes and they motivate me to work even harder. Many Imperfections Slowly Transform After Keen Effort."

I completely feel this quote. I live in fear of embarrassing myself in the classroom and in life, especially when I am in situations where I don't feel comfortable with the people I am around. I think there are times when we should be wary, but most of the time, our fear of making mistakes is founded on nothing of substance and only hinders our enjoyment. I would love to get better at allowing myself to make mistakes and not hate myself for them. 

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