Sunday, August 30, 2020
Time Strategies
First Impressions on Class Technology
First Impressions on Weekly Assignments
Hello all! After reading the overview of the six core assignments the class will be doing every week, I am both excited and nervous. The week is broken down into manageable chunks and I am confident I will be able to do all the assignments on time, but it is still a little overwhelming, but that could just be my current mental state talking (has anyone really been in a stable state since corona? If you have, please let me know how you're managing). I think my initial reaction is that I am most excited about the "storytelling" assignment. I do truly enjoy writing and engaging the right side of my brain for a bit, so I think that will be a nice break from the rest of my obligations this semester.
As far as the extra credit is concerned, I think there are some that are of interest to me. I like the idea of the class diary and the check-in and connect. As previously mentioned, I am not doing the best this semester with my mental health, so I genuinely appreciate the option to have a check-in at the end of the week to see where everyone is at. In addition to these two, I think I will definitely complete the microfictions and the "Growth mindset/Heart" assignments as well. These were of particular interest and they seem like fun additions to my work if I have time. I am excited for most everything in this class and truly believe it will be a good semester!
Friday, August 28, 2020
My Thoughts on the Growth Mindset
Thursday, August 27, 2020
An Introduction to Me
Who Am I?

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
My Storybook Favorites
"Spin Me A Yarn"
"Death's Final Story"
"Real Housewives of Greek Mythology"
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
My Favorite Places!
Tollymore Forest and Hobbiton
Tollymore Forest National Park
In 2018 I had the privilege of traveling to Northern Ireland with a lovely group of friends. Fun fact: Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom but regular Ireland is not (for reasons unbeknownst to me). While there, I was gifted the opportunity of a lifetime. I was able to traverse Tollymore Forest National Park, which is where C.S. Lewis gathered the inspiration for The Chronicles of Narnia. I have a deep love for this book series (the movies were great, but nothing will beat the books). My father introduced me to the series and helped me read them, but I have since reread them several times. I also have a deep love for C.S. Lewis and all of his works. That being said, there is something truly magical about Tollymore Forest. The leader of the trip I was on said, "There are some places in this world where the divide between heaven and earth is almost indiscernible, and this forest is one of them." Don't you just get shivers reading that? Tollymore will always hold a special place in my heart, and I only hope to go back one day to catch a glimpse of the great lion, Aslan.
Hobbiton (Matamata, New Zealand)
Monday, August 24, 2020
First Post for Mythology and Folklore
Hello! This is my first post for Mythology and Folklore, but there will be many more to come!
Microfiction Revisions: Two Spooky Little Stories
Original Texts: Got Ya I ran. I ran as fast as I possibly could, the branches whipping at face, grabbing at my hair. It was almost as though...

Who Am I? Hello all! If you aren't already aware, my name is Rachel Goldin (yes that is golden with an "i") and I am a se...
*An updated version of this story can be found in my portfolio, which is located here !* Samson and Delilah by Lucas Cranach, 1537 ( Wikim...
My portfolio project is located here ! Please enjoy! Here's a lovely meme to kick things off. ( Photo by Mediaaa )