Monday, November 30, 2020

Famous Last Words: Almost There!

This is how I feel at this point in the semester. I feel like the last piece of the puzzle is ready to be put into place but I just have to do it!
(Image from Pikrepo)

Your reading for this week: 
The reading went well for me this week! I actually enjoyed reading from the Canterbury Tales unit. I thought reading The Promise of Dorigen was thoroughly enjoyable and was the story that I based my re-telling on for the week. The second story I wrote about was The Prioress's Tale: Little Hugh and was a blood libel. I was sort of shocked while reading this anti-Semitic tale, but it was good to see that side of history. I liked the way both stories were laid out and I thought I would try to emulate some aspects in future writing. 

Your best writing for this week: I thought my best writing for the week was in my telling of The Promise of Dorigen when I wrote The Diary of Arviragus, which was my twist on the tale. I definitely experimented this week with telling the story from a different character's point of view, which is something I have not done. I also twisted the story to be in a different format, the diary, which was also something new. I really enjoyed writing this way and I think keeping in the groove of just sitting down and writing it was helpful.

Other people's writing: I actually read a lot of people's retelling of the story of Gellert, the dog who saved the baby from the intruder, but his master thought he killed the baby so he killed Gellert. I thought Tink did a wonderful job with her retelling. She also switched the character point of view for this story and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Here is her story!

Your other classes: My other classes are going pretty well. I am nearing the end in all my classes and at this point I am just trying to push through to the end of the semester. I am completely over this semester and this year in general, so I am just ready to be done. I want a break so badly but I cannot take one until I am done with all my work. I just need to get it all done at this point. 

Outside of school: While I did not attend any events on campus, I did go home for Thanksgiving to see my family. We had to do a socially distanced Thanksgiving dinner, which was really weird. My sister and I were the "servers" and we were masked and gloved while distributing food. It was odd but we got it done. I am so ready for the pandemic to be over!

Next week: This next week I am hoping I have time to sit down and finish a lot of work for this class and my other classes. I want to just be done with everything so I may try to have a marathon work session this week! 

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