Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Week 2 Reading Overview

A Tentative Reading Plan

After examining the UnTextbook, these are the stories that stuck out to me. I don't know that I will end up reading all these in the end, but this is the plan for now!


My Interests

I tend to be interested in the backstories behind popular tales. I find it intriguing how popular Disney movies or television shows are rooted so deeply in fairytales or stories written with very different endings, or different meanings entirely. I also genuinely love tales like Percy Jackson (Greek Mythology) and learning more about the lesser-known gods and goddesses. I think my main interests are in Greek and Norse mythology, but that's just because those are the ones I vaguely know of. Another big interest of mine is in the mythology surrounding The Lord of the Rings and I am thinking of doing my storybook project over this, but that is yet to be determined. 

Saint Juliana of Nicomedia is taken from the Women Saints reading section. I chose her because I am interested in the women of the mythology world, so she fits that. 

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